Machines need some love from time to time, and to ensure that they run properly and don’t crash or explode, we’ve compiled a list of pointers on how to perform thorough maintenance on your PC.
Your computer isn’t high maintenance, and the cleaning up process is pretty straightforward. There’s no need to fret, so just take your time going through these as often as possible or at your own pace.
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Moving along, here’s the guide.
1. Clean The Keyboard- Perform Maintenance
Maintaining your PC means maintaining all the parts that make it. The keyboard is an easy and good place to start with. The keyboard can get very dirty since we’re tapping away on it day in and day out. To clean the keyboard, use a cloth that’s just a bit damp but not wet from water.
On the other hand, add some alcohol to kill bacteria more efficiently. For the tighter areas, buying and using a canister filled with compressed air can do the trick.
2. Refresh The Mouse – Perform Maintenance
Dust and clean your mouse with a small cloth or some tissues with a little bit of alcohol on them.
Likewise, you can check out its bottom part and get rid of any residue that might have accumulated on it, such as dust, amongst other things.
The mouse is a small but significant part of the whole computer, so it’s best not to neglect it. Actually, don’t neglect any of the PC’s parts; this helps maintain the entire system clean and fresh.
3. Monitor Check- Perform Maintenance
The monitor can get pretty dirty, and you can find dust, dried stains, oil stains from your fingers, and all the other things that easily get stuck on it. The same ritual as the other two parts, use a piece of clothing dampened with some water or, better yet, alcohol, then wipe it in one direction.
4. Check The Vents
Try to ensure that nothing is blocking the air that’s coming out of your computer. Machines need to breathe as well in order to keep functioning correctly.
5. The CPU
The CPU can get covered in dust; that’s why it’s essential to try and clean it before this happens. Be very gentle with cleaning the CPU, and don’t use damp clothing for sensitive parts that could react to the water. It’s common sense to wipe down surfaces but not electronic components. Be very careful with the fans and the heat sink.
6. Take Off Your Charger
It’s not necessary to leave your charger in all the time for laptop users. This can actually be very bad for the battery in the long run. Take off the charger once the device’s battery is full.
System Updates And Maintenance
Now for maintenance on the computer’s software and programs. In order to do this thoroughly, go over a few things:
- Clean up storage. Delete old and big files that are useless. Clean up your downloads. Clean up the home screen.
- Clean up the applications and programs you have on your computer. Find and detect programs that haven’t been used or are not helpful anymore and remove them from the computer. Storage space makes sure that the PC can run well without losing too much memory (RAM). Deleting to make way for the new is crucial.
- Update and optimize the drives. On Windows OS, simply typing this in the search bar will fish out customizable settings intended just for that. However, simply use a search engine to find out the specific steps you’ll need to follow for the computer model that’s in use.
- On that note, defrag the hard drive as well. Defragging means reorganizing the data that’s on the computer. This helps increase the speed of file access. Defrag options vary, so search up where to find this setting on your computer.
- Although antivirus software is usually not free-to-use, it’s wiser to have one of these programs on your PC than not having it. Maintain your PC’s safety by getting rid of any malware or viruses that might be in the system. Scan your PC regularly to check.
- It’s highly important to backup important data that’s on your computer. There’s always a chance, no matter how small, that the computer might break. If the computer breaks, there’s no way to fetch and recover files. Use a drive and make copies or back up your data there. That way, all that’s needed to access these files will be by logging on to your account.
- Major computer updates will typically shut down your computer automatically to start its process unless, of course, the user chooses not to do it on that specific day. But during maintenance, users should let their computer install major updates so that they’re optimized and up to date.
- Always have your firewall running. The firewall is the computer’s first line of defense against viruses that threaten to attack and corrupt the machine. The firewall acts to help block potentially harmful files and programs from seeping into your device.
Following these fundamentals should normally keep your PC quite healthy, but check up on any specific details relative to the model that’s in use and the type of Operating System that’s installed on it.
Final Thoughts
We hope this article has been a help in guiding our readers through the proper steps of computer maintenance, be it a desktop PC or a laptop. Computers aren’t high maintenance; usually, everything that needs to be done already has a program that only needs to be run.
However, it’s essential to update and clean a PC semi-regularly since both software and hardware parts can accumulate junk files and dust. These can slow down a computer over time, and by following our guide, you can help give your device a longer life.